Compression Stocking And Socks Brampton - Bramalea Healthcare

Compression Stocking And Socks Brampton

Bramalea Healthcare has a vast collection of compression stockings, venosan stockings and lymphedema products in Brampton. Whether you are suffering from leg pain, swelling and varicose veins, our products are designed to provide the right comfort for your body needs. We have a wide range of medical supplies and stockings to treat venous & lymphatic diseases.

If you are suffering from the problem of blood clot or varicose veins, our compression stockings can greatly help in improving the blood flow in the legs by providing an internal pressure. This reduces the leg swelling and also limits the blood clots.

Benefits Of Wearing Compression Stockings

No matter, which ailment you are suffering from, these stockings are designed to provide comfort and relief from pain. Anyone you spend much of his time sitting and standing in the same position can feel better by wearing gradient venosan stockings. If you are a diabetic patient, you should consider wearing diabetic socks which can ease your condition. Some conditions where you should wear a stocking include:

  • Tired & heavy feeling legs
  • Leg swelling
  • Varicose veins
  • Blood clots
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Post-thrombotic syndrome
  • Diabetic condition
  • Healed venous ulcer
  • Active venous ulcer
  • Lymphedema
  • Leg & thigh pain

Before buying a compression stocking, you must consult a physiotherapist who can assist you in making a right choice. At Bramalea Healthcare, our collection of stockings and socks are available in different lengths, pressures and colors.

Order Your Pair Of Compression Stockings & Socks!

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